传统的分层共享总线已无法满足未来高性能嵌入式系统的I/O性能需求和快速高效的信号处理和数据传输。系统内的不同组件之间的彼此通信的速率已成为制约嵌入式系统性能提高的瓶颈。为了缓解I/O瓶颈问题,I/O技术及体系结构发生重大变革,使新型互联技术不断涌现,如PCI Express,RapidIO等。本文主要对这两种串行总线技术分析比较。
The traditional hierarchical bus has already cannot meet to the explosive demand for higher bandwidth within embedded systems and more efficient signal processing and data transmission.The speed at which various components"inside the box" with each other,has become the bottleneck constraining the rate of performance of the embedded system. In order to alleviate the I/O bottleneck problems, I/O technology and system architecture occurred major changes, and make new Internet technology emerging such as the PCI Express, RapidlO etc. This artical focuses on analysis comparison of the two kinds serial bus technique .
Computer & Network