
一线服务员工组织公民行为影响因素的实证研究——基于顾客积极反馈的视角 被引量:1

An Empirical Research on How the Factors Frontline Employee's Organizational Behavior Affecting Citizenship Behaviors:from the Perspective of Customer's Positive Feedback
摘要 虽然顾客是一线服务员工日常工作交往的重要组成部分,但目前关于顾客行为影响一线服务员工组织公民行为的研究很少。提出了顾客对服务员工的关系建设行为(CRB)、顾客对服务质量的积极评价行为(CPA)(二者统称顾客积极反馈),并阐述它们如何影响服务员工的组织公民行为(OCB)。针对医生、美发师、美容师及其顾客的实证研究结果显示:顾客对服务质量的积极评价行为对服务员工在服务工作中的成就感和服务员工感知被尊重具有显著正向影响,并最终促进服务员工组织公民行为;就对服务员工组织公民行为的相对影响力而言,顾客对服务质量的积极评价行为所具有的正向作用远大于顾客对服务员工的关系建设行为所带来的负向作用。 Although customers are the inherent part of the frontline service employee's daily work,research is rare on customer's behaviors affecting frontline service employee's organizational citizenship behaviors(OCB).Two kinds of customers' positive feedback behaviors were pesented here,namely,customers' relationship building behaviors with frontline employee(CRB) and customers' positive appraisal behaviors on service quality(CPA),and how customers' CRB and CPA affecting service employee's OCB was analyzed.Empirical research was conducted among doctors,stylists,beauty-specialists and their customers.The results showed that customers' CPA positively and significantly affected service employee's sense of achievement(SOA) during service and perceived respect(PR) from customers;in turn,these 2 psychological processes promoted service employee's OCB.With regard to the relative influences on employee's OCB of customers' CPA and CRB,the positve influence of CPA outweighted the negative influence of CRB greatly.
出处 《统计与信息论坛》 CSSCI 2010年第9期98-103,共6页 Journal of Statistics and Information
基金 国家自然科学基金项目<展望理论框架下情绪驱动忠诚的动态机制研究>(70972134)
关键词 顾客对服务员工的关系建设行为 顾客对服务质量的积极评价行为 感知被尊重 成就感 组织公民行为 customers' relationship building behaviors customers' positive appraisal behaviors sense of achievement feeling respected organizational citizenship behaviors
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