
生土活化胶凝材料的制备及性能研究 被引量:6

Preparation and properties of raw soil cementitious materials
摘要 为开发新型乡村经济建筑材料,大力提倡低碳节能,常温条件下利用自配激发剂激发生土和矿渣,研制成功一种新型生土水泥。通过SEM、XRD等测试手段对其水化产物进行分析,结果表明其生成物主要为低碱性水化硅酸钙、水化铝酸钙凝胶及方沸石。该水泥3 d、28 d胶砂抗压强度分别可达30、45 MPa,满足42.5普通硅酸盐水泥强度等级要求,并具有优异的耐水性能、耐酸侵蚀性能、抗冻性能。是价格低廉、节能环保的乡村新型建筑材料。 In order to develop new rural economic building material,strongly advocate low carbon and energy saving, a new form of cement was produced by activating raw soil and slag with self-prepared activator under normal temperature condition. Its hydration product was analyzed by means of SEM and XRD. The results show that the main products are C-S-H with less Ca(OH)2, hydrated calcium aluminum gel and zeolite. Compressive strength of 30 MPa and 45 MPa can be achieved respectively after 3 days and 28 days curing, meeting the requirement of 42.5 Portland cement on cement strength grade. This kind of cement also has excellent resistance to water, acid as well as freezing attack. It is an excellent economical energy-saving building material for China new countryside construction applications.
出处 《新型建筑材料》 北大核心 2010年第10期83-86,共4页 New Building Materials
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAJ04A04)
关键词 生土 秸秆 矿渣 水泥 新型乡村建材 raw soil straw slag cement new rural building material
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