
基于共同前沿函数的FDI生产率溢出效应的实证研究 被引量:2

The Empirical Research on Productivity Spillovers from FDI Based on Metafrontier Function
摘要 利用超越对数生产函数模型和共同前沿函数(MF),对我国三大区域30个省市自治区2000~2006年的面板数据进行研究,分析区域FDI对经济增长贡献的效率和技术差异问题。研究结果表明:我国东、中、西三大区域的随机前沿可以用同一前沿函数反映;各区域的技术差距比重表现出显著的区域特征,即东高中次西低;东部的FDI对经济增长的贡献最有效,它的技术水平最接近于全国的技术水平。 Using the panel data during the period of 2000~2006 for 30 provinces in China which are grouped into three regions and applying the translog production function and the metafrontier function,the research is focused on empirical measurement on productivity spillovers from FDI.The analysis indicates that three region stochastic frontiers are enveloped by a metafrontier curve.During the period of 2000~2006,technology gap ratio displays significant region characteristics among the east region,the central region and the west region.Namely,east is high,but west is low.However,it is the most efficient that FDI contributes on the economic growth in the east region.And comparing to other regions,its technology is catching up with the global technology.
作者 潘美玲
出处 《经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期33-38,共6页 On Economic Problems
关键词 共同前沿函数 随机前沿 技术差距比重 metafrontier function stochastic frontier technology gap ratio
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