
新型三维网状纳米金复合物的制备及表征 被引量:2

Preparation and Characterization of Novel Three-dimensionally Ordered Net-work PAMAM-Au Nanocomposites
摘要 以一代聚酰胺-胺树枝状大分子(PAMAM)为分散剂,利用硼氢化钠还原氯金酸制备了新型三维网状纳米金复合物,考察了反应时间(t)、氯金酸与树形分子的摩尔比(n)、溶液pH以及还原剂用量对纳米复合物形成的影响.采用紫外分光光度计、傅里叶红外光谱仪以及透射电子显微镜对其进行了表征.实验结果表明:室温搅拌下,氯金酸根离子可与聚酰胺-胺形成稳定络合物,再加入还原剂原位合成了纳米金复合物,复合物呈三维有序网状结构.合成方法简便,有望用于生化分子及生物传感等领域. The three-dimensionally ordered net-work PAMAM-Au nanocomposites were prepared by reduction of HAuCl4 with NaBH4 in the presence of the first generation polyamidoamine(G1 PAMAM) as dispersant reagent.The influences of reaction time,molar ratio of HAuCl4 to PAMAM,pH and the amount of reducing reagent on the formation of nano-composites were investigated.The UV-Vis and FTIR spectral results showed that -and PAMAM formed a complex after stirring for a certain time and the gold nano-composites were prepared by in situ-synthesis with reducing agents.A three-dimensionally net-work ordered structure was found by TEM characterization.The novel PAMAM-Au nanocomposites have great potential application in bioanalysis and bidsensor.
出处 《湖南师范大学自然科学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第3期62-66,共5页 Journal of Natural Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20975037)
关键词 一代聚酰胺-胺 纳米金 纳米复合物 合成 G1 PAMAM nano Au nanocomposites preparation
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