
口内粘接加全冠修复治疗纵折后牙28颗报告 被引量:7

A study on direct intrabuccal adhesion and complete coronal restoration in the treatment of vertical fractured posterior teeth-based on 28 cases
摘要 目的:观察口内直接粘接加全冠修复治疗纵折后牙的临床疗效。方法:采取全酸蚀技术和流动复合树脂,将26例、共28颗纵折后牙,进行复位粘接,然后采用铸造金属烤瓷冠或金属冠进行修复,随访9-38个月,评价修复效果。结果:术后9-38个月随访,成功19颗、有效8颗、失败(拔除)1颗。其中,折裂时间≤3d的纵折后牙治疗成功率(88.2%;15/17)明显高于折裂时间>3d的纵折后牙成功率(36.4%;4/11),而患者的性别、牙位以及折裂类型等对疗效无明显影响。结论:口内粘接加全冠修复是保存治疗纵折后牙的有效方法,而且纵折后尽早治疗是提高其临床成功率的关键。 Objective:Observe the clinical effects of treating vertical fractured posterior teeth with direct intrabuccal adhesion and complete coronal restoration.Methods:The vertical fractured posterior teeth were replaced and bonded using whole etching technique and flowing composite resin.The light-cures were accomplished when the necks of teeth were clipped tightly by dental forceps.The TetricR ceram was used to fill the cavity after bonding.Then the teeth preparation,impression taking and temporary crown bonding were accomplished in turn.The mental or PFM full crowns were bonded after one week.Results:28 vertical fractured posterior teeth (17 premolars,11 molars) of 26 patients (13 males,13 females) between the age of 25 and 80 years old were treated.The follow-up survey lasted 9 to 38 months.Of all the 28 cases,19 cases were judged to be successful,8 were effective and 1 was failed.The achievement ratio of the cases which were theated in 3 days (88.2%;15/17) is evidently higher than the cases which were delayed more than 3 days (36.4%;4/11).Conclusion:Direct intrabuccal adhesion and complete coronal restoration is an effective method to treat the vertical fractured posterior teeth.The early treatment can improve the clinical achievement ratio.
出处 《口腔颌面修复学杂志》 2010年第3期161-164,共4页 Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics
关键词 后牙纵折 粘接 冠修复 vertical fractured posterior teeth adhesion coronal restoration
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