

Research of the Magan Decoction on the Mice with Damages Caused by CCl_4
摘要 目的 :研究马肝汤对肝损伤小鼠肝细胞的作用。方法 :将 4 0只 BAL B/ C小鼠等分为 4组 ,盐水对照组皮下注射生理盐水 0 .1ml/ 16g,药物对照组皮下注射马肝汤 0 .1ml/ 16g,损伤组和治疗组皮下注射 0 .1% CCl40 .1m l/ 16g;治疗组同时注射马肝汤 0 .1ml/ 16g,连续 7d。各组于第 8天处死后取肝脏作组织学和组织化学观察。结果 :损伤组肝小叶中央带细胞损伤较甚 ,呈空泡状 ,核膜存在 ,核及核仁清晰 ;中间带偶见空泡状肝细胞 ;周围带肝细胞正常。油红 O葡萄糖 - 6-磷酸酶 ( G- 6- Pase)和琥珀酸脱氢酶 ( SDH)提示 ,损伤组肝小叶中央带肝细胞中性脂肪滴消失 ,G- 6- Pase和 SDH活性消失 ,中间带开始增多 ,周围带完全恢复 ;治疗组各区基本恢复正常 ;盐水对照组和药物对照组未见异常。结论 :马肝汤对肝细胞具有保护。 Objective:To study the active mechanism of Magan decoction on livercells of mice with liver damage.Methods:( 1 ) :The 4 0 BALB/c mice are divided into four groups marked with A,B,C,and D;( 2 ) Group A is given a hypodermic injection of physiological saline of 0 .1 ml/1 6 g;( 3) Group B is given a hypodermic injection of the Magan decoction of0 .1 ml/1 6g;( 4) Group C and D are given a hypodermin injection of0 .1 ml/1 6g of0 .1 % CCl4;Atthe same time,Group D is given a hypodermic injection of the Margan decoction of0 .1 ml/1 6g.All the groups are continuously given an injection for7days;( 5 ) :All the mice in these groups Were dead on the8th day and their livers were taken outto make observations of histology and histological chemistry. Results:In group C,at the centric belt of lobule of liver,the damages of liver cells are serious like empty bubbles with the nucleus membrane,clear nucleus and nucleolus;on the middle belt of liver,liver cells like empty bubbles can sometimes be seen;belt around liver cells are normal.In group D,in the beltlike livercells neutral fatdrops disappear;G- 6- Pase fermentand SDH ferment activities disappear;the middle belts increase more;peripheral belts are completely recovered.The parts of group D almostreturn to normal,in group A and B,no abnormal phenomenon was seen. Conclusion:The Magan decoction has protective,reproductive functions on liver cells.
出处 《中国中西医结合脾胃杂志》 1999年第2期82-83,共2页
关键词 马肝汤 中毒性肝炎 动物实验 组织学 组织化学 Magan decoction poisoning hepatitis experimental research
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