Objective: To
explore the factors associated with tardive dyskinesia (TD) induced by antipsychotics. Method:
TD and acute EPS were monitored with the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale(AIMS) and
Rating Scale for Extrapyramidal Side Effects (RSESE) in patients receiving antipsychotic
treatment. Other clinical data were also collected for analysis.HZResults: The occurrence of TD
was positively associated with young age, male gender, long period of antipsychotic treatment,
high dose, high potency medication, and EPS. The mean antipsychotics dosage was much
lower in mood than schizophrenic disorder. There was no relationship between severity of TD
and other clinical parameters. The treatment response differed significantly between those with
AIMS score <4 and >4. Conclusion: Factors like age, gender, period of drug administration, drug
dosage and potency, EPS and diagnosis of mood disorder, are associated with occurrence of
TD. Severity of TD also predicts a poor therapeutic response.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry