2William Morse Cole, "Theories of Cost" ,The Accounting Review, 1936.
3J.M.Clark, "The Economics of Overhead Costs" ,The University of Chicago Press,1923.
4S.Paul Garner, Evolution of Cost Accounting to 1925, University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1954.
5Committee on Cost Concepts and Standards, "Report of the Committee on Cost Concepts and Standards" ,The Accounting Review, 1952.
6Committee on Cost Concepts and Standards, "Tentative Statement of Cost Concepts Underlying Reports for Management Purposes" ,The Accounting Review, 1956.
8FASB.Objectives of Financial Reporting by Business Enterprises [R]. SFAC No.1, 1978.
9Norton M. Bedford, "The Nature of Business Costs, General Concepts" , The Accounting Review, 1957.
10Y.C.Chow, "The Concept of Expense" ,The Accounting Review, 1939.