

Treatment of sludge water by ultraviolet
摘要 采用紫外线处理水厂排泥水并进行了经济分析。结果表明,紫外处理技术对排泥水有很好的杀菌灭藻效果,并能避免氯消毒带来的消毒副产物问题;静态试验下,灭活水中剑水蚤需要较大的紫外辐射剂量,且照射时间较长;浊度会影响紫外透光率,应尽量降低原水浊度,以保证紫外对生物的灭活效果。 An experiment was carried out to treat sludge water in a waterworks by ultraviolet (UV), and the economic analysis was conducted. The results showed that the UV treatment technology had well efficiency on removal of algae and bacteria, and it could avoid the chlorine disinfection by- products in the water. In the case of static tests, UV radiation dose needed higher and the radiation time needed longer to inactivate Cyclops. Turbidity would influence ultraviolet transmittance, and turbidity of raw water should be reduced to guarantee the inactivation efficiency on organisms.
出处 《供水技术》 2010年第5期38-41,共4页 Water Technology
基金 国家科技支撑计划重点项目(2006BAB17B02)
关键词 紫外线处理 排泥水 浊度 经济分析 ultraviolet treatment sludge water turbidity economic analysis
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