
皮尔士实用主义的符号学向度 被引量:1

The Semiotic Dimension of Peirce's Pragmatism
摘要 皮尔士的实用主义主要是一种意义理论,准确地说,是关于意义的语用学理论。皮尔士看来,实用主义首先是一种科学的逻辑定义方法,这种方法使我们获得关于概念最高等级清晰性的理解,即他所说的"第三等级的清晰性"。而皮尔士关于概念清晰性的三个等级的划分,建立在其符号学中三种解释项的基础之上。分析表明,一个概念(符号)的意义或最终解释就是其最终的逻辑解释项。在这种意义上,我们更愿意将皮尔士的实用主义称为"符号学的实用主义"。 Pragmatism is primarily a theory of meaning,more accurately,a pragmatic theory of meaning.Among other things,Peirce developed his pragmatism as a scientific method of logical definition,which enables us to understand conceptions in clarity of the highest order,that is,'the third-order clarity'. Peirce's specification of three orders of clarity was based on his specification of three types of the interpretants,which are the central components of his semeiotics. It is shown that the meaning or the final interpretation of a conception (a sign) is indeed its final logical interpretant In this sense,we would rather take his pragmatism as 'the semeiotic pragmatism'.
作者 潘磊 朱志方
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期9-14,共6页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
关键词 皮尔士 实用主义 符号学 Peirce Pragmatism Semeiotics
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  • 2MacDennott, John J. (ed. 1977). The Writings of William James. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • 3Peirce, C. S. : Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, edited by C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss (vol. 1 -6), and A. Burks (vol. 7- 8), Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1931 - 1958.
  • 4James, W. (1981). Pragmat/sm [M]. Indianapohs: Hackett Pubhshing Company, Inc.
  • 5James, W. (1975). The Meaning of Tntth IMp. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
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  • 7Fisch, M. (1981). The Proof of Pragmatism [J]. in Peirce, Semeiotic, and Pragmatism, edited by K. L. Letner & W. Kloesel, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986.


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