1Susan Letzler Cole, The Absent One: Mourning Ritual, Tragedy, and the Performance of Ambivalence ( University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1985), p. 101.
2Susan Letzler Cole, Directors in Rehearsal: A Hidden World (New York: Routledge, 1992) and Playwrights in Rehearsal : The Seduction of Company ( New York : Routledge, 2001 ).
3'The Rehearsal of Mounting: Chaikin's Trespassing, ' pp. 101 - 114, in Susan Letzler Cole, The Absent One, cited above in note 1.
4埃里克·瓦拉赫.John Cage Silence:Lectures and Writings.Middletown:Wesleyan UP,1961,第200页.
6Still Alive: An Autobiographical Essay,trans. Jadwiga Kosicka[ New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1994].
8约瑟夫·谢肯,“From the Director”,见吉恩-克劳德·范·伊塔列所著America Hurrah and Other Plays(New York:Grove,1978),pp.9-10.
9约瑟夫·谢肯,"From the Director",见吉恩-克劳德·范·伊塔列所著America Hurrah and Other Plays(New York:Grove,1978),pp.10.