
透析俄罗斯能源外交的地区实践 被引量:1

Perspective of Russian energy diplomacy in regional practice
摘要 2008年7月,俄联邦总统梅德韦杰夫签署命令批准了《俄联邦外交政策构想》,成为俄罗斯与各区域国家开展能源合作的指导性方针和依据。近年来,俄罗斯全面运筹能源外交,在全球层面广泛参与国际多边能源合作,在地区层面继续深化与各能源主体的能源对话和双边合作,通过外交手段支持本国公司平等参与国际能源合作以维护自身的对外经济和地缘政治利益。透彻分析俄罗斯对外能源合作在各地区的实践活动,有助于把握俄对外能源政策走向,在全球化和国际金融危机背景下全方位地保障我国的能源安全。 In July 2008 President Mendeleev signed a decree ratifying the Russian Federation’s idea of diplomacy, which has become guiding principles and basis for Russian energy cooperation with all regions and countries. In recent years Russia has worked comprehensively on energy diplomacy. It has extensively participated in international multilateral energy cooperation at the global level and continued to deepen dialogues and bilateral cooperation at the regional level. It has backed up domestic companies in international energy cooperation on an equal basis through diplomatic means so as to defend its own foreign economic and geopolitical interests. A perspective analysis of Russian foreign energy cooperation and its practice in different regions will help grasp its foreign energy policy orientation and help guarantee China’s overall energy security in the context of globalization and international financial crisis.
作者 陈小沁
出处 《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期38-43,共6页 Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies
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