Objective To analyze the non-pump coronary artery bypass grafting OPCABG hemodynamits,anesthetic management of OPCABG. Methods Elective OPCABG 120patients with coronary heart disease, aged 48 - 76years, mean ejection fractio ( 0. 53 ± 0. 32 ), preoperative catheter placed to monitor hemodynamic changes were in the open chest (TO ) ,left anterior descending artery anastomosis (T1 ) , circumflex artery anastomosis( T2 ), diagonal branch anastomosis( T3 ) , Right coronary artery anastomosis (T4), heart restore the original location( T5 ) were recorded MAP, HR, CVP, PCWP, CI, CO, SvO2 , SVRI, PVRI, LVSWI, RVSWI. Resnlts When left anterior descending artery anastomosis CI, LVSWI down, PVRI increased, SvOz was normal. Consistent with circumflex, diagonal branch, right coronary artery when, CI, CO, LVSWI, RVSWI, SvO2 significantly decreased(P 〈0. 01) ,and HR,CVP,PCWP,PVRI increased(P 〈0.05). Conclusion Heart patients who flip can lead to significant hemodynamic changes, action should be light, take the necessary support cardiovascular function, to avoid serious hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias.
China Clinical Practical Medicine