
广州市保障性住房社区居民的居住-就业选择与空间匹配性 被引量:91

The jobs-housing relocation and spatial matching of residents in alleviatory housing neighborhoods in Guangzhou
摘要 从居住-就业区位选择角度出发,以广州市典型保障性住房社区(棠下小区、同德小区)为案例,研究保障性住房居民的居住-就业选择特征及其空间匹配性的群体差异和影响机制。经过十多年的发展,研究小区发生明显的居住人群过滤现象,出现大量转售和转租情况,形成保障性住房、商品房、转租房、原单位房的住户结构。保障性住房住户和商品房住户的居住与就业地的空间关系变化较大,其空间不匹配问题突出,但二者在形成机制上存在较大差异。前者主要因保障性住房供应的政策性因素,使其住户的区位选择与主要就业场所不匹配而引发的,属于被动迁移型空间不匹配现象;后者主要是购买转售的保障性住房的住户,为获取保障性住房的政策性福利而通过市场方式选择远离其就业场所空间而引发的,属于主动选择型空间不匹配现象。私人转租房住户和原单位房住户的居住-就业空间匹配性良好。保障性住房的转租和转售在一定程度上产生了政策性福利的再分配,存在一定的不公平性;同时,居住-就业空间不匹配对相关居民的生活质量也带来一定的影响。因此,需要进一步研究保障性住房合理的空间布局方案和实施途径,优化城市空间结构,在考虑社会公平的前提下尽量解决各类群体的居住与就业问题。 Alleviatory housing is one kind of houses provided by the government for low-income families.It has become one of the important parts in the social security system of China.By doing a case study in the alleviatory housing neighborhoods named Tangxia and Tongde developed during the 1990s in Guangzhou,the jobs-housing relocation and spatial mismatch are tested.The types of residents in both of the neighborhoods have changed a lot from 1996 to 2007.A large number of sub-rent and re-sold houses came up due to the changing of location,relatively low price and inefficient management about immigration and emigration of this indemnificatory housing community.Accordingly,the main structure of housing consists of alleviatory housing,commercial housing,re-rent(sub-rent) housing and Danwei housing.The residents in alleviatory housing and commercial housing meet with great changes of jobs-housing relocation and jobs-housing mismatch with different mechanism factors.As to alleviatory housing residents,the jobs-housing distance became longer after they moved into the houses allocated by the government.The passive jobs-housing mismatch is mainly driven by policies and the barriers from the residents themselves.In the latter case,commercial housing residents who have an average income or above are attracted by the low price of houses due to the political welfare,and they can afford to take taxi or private cars to meet with the long distance commuting.The jobs-housing mismatch is mainly driven by market and the initiate choice of the residents.Different from the residents in both alleviatory housing and commercial housing,residents in re-rent(sub-rent) housing and Danwei housing do not meet with jobs-housing mismatch problems.The former is the residents who work near the neighborhoods and are mostly attracted by the low price of houses,and the latter is the Danwei employees who get houses from their Danweis.Both residents in re-rent(sub-rent) housing and the Danweis on behalf of their employees would take account into the short distance when they select the jobs-housing places.The sub-renting and re-selling of alleviatory housing have carried some inequity and the spatial mismatch for residents in both alleviatory housing and commercial housing has generated some adverse impact on their quality of lives.It is necessary to conduct more researches on the optimization of the alleviatory housing policies and the implementations,as well as the optimization of urban structure.
出处 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期1735-1745,共11页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40971098 40871081) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助
关键词 保障性住房 居住-就业 空间不匹配 广州 alleviatory housing jobs-housing relocation spatial mismatch Guangzhou
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