
矩阵完成问题的项目生成研究 被引量:5

摘要 依据Embretson提出的认知设计系统方法,设计并编制了矩阵完成问题的项目生成系统,实际生成了矩阵完成问题测验。探讨矩阵测验与瑞文测验的关系,以及认知模型对矩阵问题的难度和区分度的预测能力。结果表明所设计的认知模型对矩阵项目的性能参数有一定的预测能力,生成的矩阵测验与瑞文测验有基本相同的心理测量属性。可以使用该系统生成的矩阵项目来测量被试的抽象推理能力。 Based on cognitive design system approach proposed by Embretson, the study designs and establishes the item generation system of Matrix Completion Problems and has generated Matrix Completion Problem tests. The paper has discussed the relationship between Matrix test and Raven test, and the cognitive models" prediction to difficulty and discrimination of Matrix Problems. The study shows that the cognitive models have some power to predict the characteristic parameters, and the Matrix test generated by this system has the same psychometric properties with Raven test. Thus, the generated matrix items can be used to measure abstract reasoning ability.
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2010年第3期166-171,共6页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 全国教育考试"十一五"科研规划课题(2006JKS3057) 江西师范大学博士启动基金项目的资助
关键词 认知设计系统 项目生成 认知模型 项目反应理论 cognitive design system, item generation, cognitive model, item response theory.
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