
CDM国际规则的最新进展 被引量:2

Latest Development of International Rules on the CDM
摘要 经历了多年的快速发展之后,CDM的进一步发展面临着如下几个方面的主要挑战:系统效率低下;EB决策的透明性、一致性和公平性有待提高;项目审定/注册/核证/签发中的不确定性较大;市场需求和价格波动;项目的区域分布不均衡;2012年之后国际规则面临较大不确定性。针对这些问题,《京都议定书》第五次缔约方会议给出了一系列指导意见,包括要求EB就其决定提供更加详细的信息,要求EB在决策过程中考虑更多权威来源的信息,要求EB建立和项目参与方就特定案例进行直接沟通的程序以及针对DOE和EB负面决定的申诉程序,给予注册项目的数量少于10个的国家一定的特殊待遇,如延缓缴纳项目的注册费、开发自上而下的方法学、为项目开发提供贷款等。但这些要求能够在多大程度上落在实处还有待进一步观察。 After the quick development in the past years, CDM is now facing such major challenges as: low system efficiency, to -be -improved transparency, consistency and impartiality of the decision making process of EB, uncertainties during the validation/ registration/verification/issuance process, unstable market demand and price, imbalanced regional distribution of CDM projects, and the significant stability of international CDM rules after 2012. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol at its fifth session provided further guidance relating to the CDM, including, inter alia, requests the CDM Executive Board (EB) to publish detailed explanations and the rationale for decisions making, requests the EB to take into account input from relevant international organizations and Parties involved in its decision-making process, requests the EB to establish modalities and procedures for direct communication with project participants as well as procedures for appeal in relation to the negative decisions/ruling made by the designated operational entity/EB, gives special treatment to host countries with fewer than 10 registered projects, including, inter alia, to defer the payment of the registration fee until the first issuance, to develop top-down methodologies that are particularly suited for application in these countries and to provide loan to support project development.
作者 段茂盛
出处 《中国水能及电气化》 2010年第9期24-28,共5页 China Water Power & Electrification
关键词 CDM 国际规则 最新进展 CDM international rules latest development
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  • 1UNFCCC.Report of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol on its fifth session,held in Copenhagen from 7 to 19 December 2009.Addendum,Part Two:Action taken by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol at its fifth session.FCCC/KP/CMP/2008/11/Add.1,19 March 2009.
  • 2UNFCCC.CDM Home.http://cdm.unfcec.int/index.html.
  • 3UNEP Risoe Center.CDM Pipeline overview.http://www.cd4cdm.org.




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