

The Way of Design Regional Information System for Labs
摘要 建立区域内医院实验室间互通互认的系统平台,整合单一独立的实验室物流系统、信息系统、检验系统、室间质量控制系统和专家测评系统等,从技术上解决区域内医院实验室资源共享,协同工作的难题是研究的目的。运用实验室检验评价理论、室内质评方法和现代信息技术,结合实验室检验工作流程,设计信息系统。系统平台涵盖了物流、信息管理、产品管理、室内质量控制、室间质量控制、专家测评、后台管理、系统日志等功能模块,并提供了互联网实时查询检验结果等功能。尝试通过信息化技术结合实验室检验室内、室间质量评价理论和供应链管理理论建立区域实验室信息系统,以求解决区域内医院检验质量互信的技术问题,同时降低区域内产业链的生产成本、损耗以及库存量达到产业链的利益最大化,整体提高区域间医院联盟成员的检验质量。 To set up a compatible system platform which can be shared by labs of different hospitals in a certain region; to integrate those single & independent logistic system, information system, checking system, quality control system and experts evaluation system in labs; to technically solve the problem of resource share and labs working together. Design the system with the use of the checking evaluation theory for labs and the way of evaluating internal quality combined with checking work flow of labs.Cover all the functional modules including logistic information management, product management, internal quality control, inter-lab quality control, experts evaluation, back-platform management, and system operate log; to offer the function of immediate on-line inquiry; to improve work efficiency of labs; to save the running cost of enterprises; to ensure that different hospitals will form quality alliance and that checking results will be compatible and sharable; to totally improve the checking quality of regional member-hospitals. Combined with the theory of internal and inter-lab quality evaluation as well as the theory of supply chain management, this system tries to solve the technical problem of checking results being trusted between labs in regional hospitals through information technology; meanwhile to reduce the producing cost, loss and storage and maximize the profit of enterprises.
出处 《中国数字医学》 2010年第10期77-79,共3页 China Digital Medicine
关键词 区域医疗 实验室信息系统 质量控制 regional medical, labs information system, quality control
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