
德国医疗质量监管体系述评 被引量:16

Comment on Medical Quality Supervision in Germany
摘要 德国非常重视以成文法的方式推动医疗质量监管的发展,这一点与其他国家有着很大的区别。在医疗质量监管主体方面,医疗职业共同体发挥着较大的作用。目前,德国试图整合各利益相关方的力量和优势,建立联邦联合委员会这样相对集中的监管平台。在医疗服务准入方面,德国大力推行各种认证制度;在卫生技术监管方面,加强了卫生技术评估的研究和推广;在医疗服务评价方面力图建立可用于不同医院之间相互比较的医院质量监管指标体系;在医疗差错预防方面,则主要致力于建立基于互联网的非惩罚性的医疗差错匿名报告与讨论平台。 As a typical civil law country,Germany attaches great importance to the role of statute law in pushing forward medical quality regulation,which is much different from other countries.In the main body of medical quality supervision,medical professional community plays a relatively great role.Nowadays,Germany is trying to integrate the strength and advantages of benefit related parties and establish a relatively concentrated supervision platform,such as Union Community.In the respect of health care admittance,Germany promotes various accreditations.As to the regulation of health technology,Germany strengthens health technology assessment(HTA) and emphasizes HTA's results.As to medical quality assessment,Germany endeavors to develop a comparative indicator system of impatient medical quality data.As to the prevention of medical errors,Germany tries to establish an internet-based platform on which medical errors can be reported anonymously and voluntarily and can be discussed free from punishment.
出处 《中国医院管理》 2010年第10期21-24,共4页 Chinese Hospital Management
基金 WHO资助课题"基本医疗服务监管体系比较研究"
关键词 德国 医疗质量 监管 Germany medical quality regulation
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