
3D-Wedgelet分解与工业CT体数据面特征提取 被引量:1

3D-Wedgelet Decomposition and ICT Cubic Data's Surface Feature Extraction
摘要 面特征是描述工业CT体数据组成的重要成分之一。在工业CT体数据中,大部分的面特征不是以独立的形式存在,而是以不同灰度区域边缘面的形式存在。多尺度几何分析方法中的3D-Wedgelet恰好能有效刻画这种结构。该文先分析了单尺度下Planelet的形状和内在联系,得到一种快速3D-Wedgelet分解方法。以此为基础,提出两种提取工业CT体数据面特征的方法。(1)基于多尺度3D-Wedgelet分解提取工业CT体数据的面特征。(2)先将体数据在3个相互垂直的方向上分别进行切片划分,再对每组切片序列进行基于多尺度Wedgelet分解的线特征提取,最后融合3个方向的线特征得到体数据的面特征。数字实验验证了该文方法可有效提取工业CT体数据的面特征。 Surface is one of the important features in industrial CT(ICT) cubic data.In actual,most of the surface features do not exist alone,but exist in the form of different gray regions.3D-Wedgelet,one of the multiscale geometric analysis methods,provides a powerful competence to describe this structure.After analyzing the component and relation of Planelet in mono-scale,a fast 3D-Wedgelet decomposition method is gained.On the basis of it,two ICT cubic data's surface feature extraction methods are proposed.The first one is based on multiscale 3D-Wedgelet decomposition.The second one is composed of several parts as follows,first dividing the ICT cubic data into 3 slice group in 3 perpendicular directions each other,then extracting linear features based on multiscale Wedgelet decomposition,finally fusing the 3 slice group's linear features to gain surface features.Numerical experimental results show that the methods can extract the surface features of ICT cubic data effectively.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期2314-2319,共6页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(60972104)资助课题
关键词 面特征提取 3D-Wedgelet 工业CT 体数据 Surface feature extraction 3D-Wedgelet Industrial CT (ICT) Cubic data
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