

Individual Research on the Effects of the Different Fatigue Elimination Methods during the Specific Track Cycling Training
摘要 在场地专项力量耐力训练课期间,设计了在训练组间间歇先恢复骑行再按摩的消除疲劳干预模式,与仅进行按摩和恢复骑行两种模式进行了比较分析。研究发现,按摩放松可有效缓解运动员场地大强度力量耐力训练后局部肌肉的酸胀、疼痛感,对于保证训练强度作用显著;而主动恢复性骑行可改善神经肌肉系统机能,加快代谢产物消除,预防疲劳积累。初步确定在力量耐力训练组间间歇进行恢复骑行10min后再局部按摩10min的个体化最佳疲劳消除干预模式。 In the period for specific strength endurance training,the authors designed an intervention mode of fatigue elimination,which requests cyclist to perform recovering ride first and then receive massage during breaks.This was compared with the method of adopting massage or recovering ride only.The study reveals that massage may relieve muscle soreness and pain effectively after the intensive strength endurance training,which is obviously useful in maintaining training intensity.While active rovering ride may improve the functions of neuromuscular system,hasten the elimination of metabolites and prevent fatigue accumulation.The best intervention mode of fatigue elimination is to practise recovering ride for 10 minutes and then receive massage for another 10 minutes during the breaks of strength endurance training.
出处 《体育科研》 2010年第5期63-66,69,共5页 Sport Science Research
基金 上海体育局科技腾飞计划项目(07TF001)
关键词 专项力量耐力 疲劳消除 按摩 主动性恢复骑行 specific strength endurance fatigue elimination massage active recovering ride
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