介绍了辽阳石化公司金兴化工厂二羧酸生产装置待处理废水水质。对UASB(升流式厌氧污泥床)+生物接触氧化法和曝气调节+SBR(序批式活性污泥法)两种生化处理工艺进行比较。结果表明,曝气调节+SBR生化法具有操作简单、运行稳定、有机物去除率高、出水水质好特点,因此,选择采用曝气调节+SBR法对废水进行处理。考察了有机废水pH对出水水质的影响,结果表明,有机废水贮存池pH调节至6.2~6.4时,出水COD达450~480 mg/L的最佳效果。
The quality of wastewater produced in the production of dicarboxylic acid in Jinxing Chemical Factory of Liaoyang Petroleum Corporation was introduced in this paper. Two biochemical disposal processes ineluding UASB (upgrade anaeriobic sludge -bed)plus oxidation process by contacting with living materials and aeration regulation plus SBR( sequencing batch reactor) process. The result indicated that the latter has charaeteristics in simple operation, steady work, and high removal rate of organic substance and good quality of water after treatment. Therefore the latter method was selected to treat the wastewater. The effect of pH value of organic wastewater on the quality of water after treatment was examined. The result showed that COD of treated water was in the range of 450 - 480 mg/L when the pH value of organic wastewater was adjusted in the range of 6.2 - 6.4.
Advances in Fine Petrochemicals
acidic wastewater with high COD concentration, aeration regulation plus SBR process, wastewater treatment