基于胶束电动色谱法建立不同种类绿茶的分类方法。色谱条件是:75 μm×57cm(有效长度50 cm)未涂层熔融石英毛细管,电解质为20 mM磷酸盐含20 mM十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)的溶液(pH 7.0),分离电压20 kV,温度25℃,0.5 psi压力进样5 s,检测波长210 nm。此法可同时检测5种儿茶素组分,以5种儿茶素的含量为指标,采用聚类分析法对不同绿茶分类,结果:不同种类的绿茶具有明显差异,该研究可为绿茶品质鉴定提供一种合理、准确、可靠的方法。
A MEKC method was established for the classification of green tea from different area in China. Using a fused-silica capillary (75 μm × 57 cm, effective length was 50 cm) as separation column, An electrolyte at pH 7.0 containing 20 mM SDS and 20 mM phosphate as the running buffer, separation voltage was 20 kV, temperature was 25℃, samples were injected at 0.5 psi for 5 s, and detected at 210 nm. Five catechins which could be utilized for the classification of green tea were separated in 8 min. Cluster analysis had been used to classify 14 green tea samples reasonably and by using the concentration of these compounds as indices. The method is accurate and reproducible, providing a new reference for quality control of green tea.
Modern Instruments