
民国文献数字化利用及其著作权问题——以国家图书馆馆藏为例 被引量:20

Digitalization Utilization of the Literature During the Republic of China and Copyright Issues Revolved ——Taking the Collection of the National Library of China as an Example
摘要 民国文献展现了民国时期的政治、军事、外交、经济、教育、思想文化、宗教等各方面内容,客观地反映了这一历史时期的真实面貌,具有很高的研究利用价值。根据现行著作权法的规定,现有的民国文献一部分已进入公有领域,一部分已不受著作权法保护,一部分沦为孤儿作品,给民国文献的保存、数字化及利用带来了困难。因此,建议采取如下解决对策:对已进入公有领域的作品经甄别后开放利用;对一时无法判定是否进入公有领域的作品,可先推出目录、文摘等形式的服务;对能够找到继承人的,获取授权后再利用,等等,从而达到既可充分有效利用民国文献又可保护权利人著作权的双重目的。 The literature of the Republic of China has very high value in research, for it demonstrates the politics, military, diplomatic, economic, education, ideological and cultural, religious and other aspects in the Republic of China and reflects the true face of this historical period. According to the active copyright law, some of the literature has entered the public domain, part of the literature has not protected by the copyright law, and some has became orphan works, which brings some difficulty in the conservation, digitalization and utilization of the literature. So this paper suggests solutions as follows to achieve dual purpose of making full and effective use of the literature and protecting rights of copyright holders: the literature which has entered the public domain can be open to use after distinguishing; for the literature which cannot be determined whether in the public domain or not for the time being services in the form of catalog and abstract can be provided first; for the literature whose copyright heirs can be found, it should obtain authorization before using.
作者 李华伟
机构地区 国家图书馆
出处 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期16-19,共4页 Library Development
关键词 民国文献 著作权 数字化利用 孤儿作品 Literature during the Republic of China Copyright Digitization utilization Orphan work
  • 相关文献


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