Objective To assess the efficacy and the incidence of complications of a heavy silicon oil as temporary internal tamponade in selected cases of the complexity and severe PVR retinal detachment with inferior breaks.Methods Vitrectomy combined with intravitreal heavy silicone oil tamponade(Oxane Hd)was performed in twelve eyes of twelve patients.Postoperative vision,cornea and intraocular pressure,and so on were followed up.Results All patients were followed up for 2.5~27 months with an average of 7.7 months.Of all cases,11 cases(83.3%) closed retinal breaks and reattached retina,6 cases(50%) showed improvement in visual acuity,4 cases(33.3%) remained visual acuity within one line of baseline and 2 cases(16.7%) showed visual acuity decreased after the surgery.After surgery intraocular pressure was normal in all except 7 cases(59%)with abnormal intraocular pressure,included 2 case(16.7%) of temporary low pressure and 2cases(16.7%) temporary high pressure.In all patients,there were 2 case(33.3%) of complicated cataract,2 case(16.7%) of silicon oil emulsification,1 case(8.3%) of tamponade in the anterior chamber and 1 case(8.3%) of excessive postoperative inflammation in anterior chamber.Conclusion Treating the inferior breaks associated with the complexity and sever PVR retinal detachment with vitrectomy combined with intravitreal heavy silicone oil tamponade(Oxane Hd) could secure a satisfactory rate of retinal reattachment,whereas the incidence of complications is low.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
Heavy silicon oil
Internal tamponade
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy
Retinal detachment