
美国对外战略的调整及对我国的影响 被引量:4

Readjustment of U.S. Foreign Strategy and Its Influence on China
摘要 奥巴马入主白宫后对美国的对外战略进行了明显的调整。一是外交政策调整,改变布什时期单边主义政策,采取“硬实力”和“软实力”相结合的“巧实力”外交手段:二是军控政策调整,调整核裁军、军控与防扩散政策,宣示“无核世界”主张。抢占道德制高点:三是调整中东战略与反恐重心东移,以期集中力量解决阿富汗、巴基斯坦恐怖主义问题和改善美国同穆斯林的关系;四是“重返亚洲”,巩固美日、美韩同盟,积极介入东亚一体化进程,循着“巧实力”思路影响亚洲的“问题国家”:五是对俄政策调整,从国家层面到东欧防御计划、防扩散等各方面着手回暖美俄关系。奥巴马政府对外战略调整,并未改变美国的对外政策实质,对中国的影响是利弊并存。 Noticeable changes have been made to the U.S.foreign strategy by President Obama after be took office.Firstly, he readjusted his foreign policy by forsaking the unilateral policy of the Bush administration and adopted a 'smart power' diplomatic measures that combine 'hard power' with 'soft power'.Secondly, he has shifted his arms control policy by making changes to the U.S.nuclear disarmament, arms control and prevention of nuclear proliferation policies and declaring openly his proposal for a 'nuclear-free world', so as to vie for a moral commanding height.Thirdly, he has tried to modify U.S.policy on the Middle East and shift eastward the focus of anti-terrorism, in a hope to improving its relations with the Islamic world by devoting all its efforts to dealing with the Afghan issue and terrorism problem in Pakistan.Fourthly, he has carried out a 'Return to Asia' policy by consolidating U.S.-Japan and U.S.-ROK alliance systems and taking an active part in the integration process of East Asia so as to influence 'Problematic countries'in Asia by means of 'smart power'.Fifthly, he has made amendments to his Russian policy by warming up U.S.relations with Russia in various ways, from state-to-state ties, to missile defense system in Eastern Europe, to prevention of nuclear proliferation.The readjustment of U.S.external strategy by the Obama administration has not changed the essence of its foreign policy.Those changes have brought both favorable and unfavorable implications for China, which consequently will not make any enormous difference for the China-U.S relations.
出处 《和平与发展》 2010年第5期13-21,69-70,共9页 Peace and Development
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  • 1"Remarks of President-elect Barack Obama Announcement of National Security Team," December 1, 2008, Chicago, IL. See http: //change.gov/newsroom/entry/key_members of obama biden national_ security re, am announced/.
  • 2Dennis C. Blair, Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, February12, 2009.
  • 3Hillary Rodham Clinton,"Foreign Policy Address at the Council on Foreign Relations," July 15, 2009. See http;//www.state.gov/ secretary/rm/2009a/j uly/126071 .htm.
  • 42010年5月发布《美国国家安全战略报告》.
  • 5"President Obama Remarks in Prague, Czech Republic," See http://www.america.gov/st/texttrans-english/2009/April/20090406115740eaifas0.9701763.html.
  • 6"Treaty Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms", http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/ 140035.pdf.
  • 7"Protocol to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms", http://www. state,gov/documents/organization/140047.pdf.
  • 8"Nuclear Posture Review Report", April, 2010, http://www. defense.gov/npr/docs/2010% 20Nuclear% 20Posture% 20Review% 20Report.pdf.
  • 9James Kitfield, "Road To Zero Nukes Remains Fraught", National Journal, May 30, 2009, See http://www.nationaljournal.com/njmagazine/ print_friendly.php?ID=nj_20090530_1 512.
  • 10John B. Aherman, "The Middle East Moves East", Middle East Notes and Comment, February 2009, CSIS, See http://csis.org/ files/media/csis/pubs/0209menc.pdf.











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