
美国智库视野中的两岸关系与和平发展 被引量:3

Peaceful Development of Cross-Strait Relations in the Eyes of the U.S. Think Tanks
摘要 近年来,台海两岸关系出现和平发展的势头,美国智库对此大致有三种认知倾向:一是积极评价、乐见其成;二是谨慎保守、接受和平发展的现实,但心态矛盾;三是顾虑深重、立场强硬,主张适当遏制两岸和平发展。不管是何种心态,他们在维护美国在台湾问题上的战略利益上是一致的。台湾问题是中关关系中最重大、最敏感的结构性议题,不管两岸关系走向何方,美国的台海政策都将会保持一定的稳定性,美国让两岸关系朝美国所希望的方向发展的意图是不会改变的。 In recent years, relations between Taiwan and the Mainland have shown sign of peaceful development, on which there are generally three kinds of perception by the U.S.think tanks.First is a positive evaluation with a hope to see it going toward the best end.Second is an acceptance of the reality of peaceful development with a prudent and reserved attitude and a contradictory mentality.Third is an expression of their misgivings and a tough stand with a proposal to discourage the development in a proper way.No matter what kind of mentality they may have, their aims to preserve the U.S.strategic interests on the Taiwan Question are essentially identical.Taiwan is the most important and sensitive issue on the agenda of China-U.S.relations.Regardless of where the cross-strait relations are going, the U.S.policy on Taiwan and on the cross-strait relations will remain in a certain state of stability.The United States will never give up its hope of seeing those relations develop in the way it desires.
作者 林红
出处 《和平与发展》 2010年第5期22-28,共7页 Peace and Development
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