目的评估浙江省存活麻风受累者的社会参与状况及其危险因素,为高危对象的筛选及麻风病社会康复工作的开展提供基础性资料。方法使用参与量表对浙江省麻风流行社区的216例存活受累者进行调查,使用多因素分析的方法筛选麻风受累者社会参与的影响因素。结果 216例麻风受累者得分范围为0~90分,平均得分为:39.12士30.88分(总分90分)。216例麻风受累者中124例有参与异常(中等及严重参与受限),占57.40%,其中参与严重受限者占30.09%。在18个条目中得分最高的前6个条目依次为工作机会(Q1),社区事务中活跃程度(Q7),参与文化娱乐活动(Q6),社区中受到尊重情况(Q8),学习的自信程度(Q18),对家庭经济贡献(Q3),反映麻风受累者在这些方面参与受限比较严重。经分析发现"生活自理能力"、"社会地位"、"可见畸残"、"婚姻状况"和"经济水平状况"为麻风受累者社会参与受限的危险因素。结论浙江省存活麻风受累者存在社会参与的受限,对于严重受限的患者应该开展相应的康复干预和咨询服务。
Objective To evaluate the social participation status and its risk factors among leprosy affected people in Zhejiang province to provide a screening tool for high risk disability cases and basic data for leprosy social rehabilitation work.Methods 216 leprosy affected persons lived in prevalent communities in Zhejiang,were investigated with the Participation Scale,and the data were analyzed with the SPSS 11.5.Results The social participation scores ranged from 0 to 90,with an average score of 39.12 士 30.88(with a total score of 90).One hundred and twenty four out of two hundred and sixteen cases have abnormal social participation restriction(medial to severe restriction),accounted for 57.40%,with a severe social participation restriction rate of 30.09%.The 6 participation restriction conditions out of 18 arranged in orders as follows: job opportunity,socially active in community affairs,taking part in recreational activities,having same respect in the community,feeling confident to try to learn new things,contributing to household economically.The risk factors of social participation restriction were life self-care abilities,social status,disabilities,marriage status,economical level.Conclusion Social participation restriction were easily seen in the leprosy affected persons in Zhejiang province of China.The aimed rehabilitation intervention and counseling service are necessary in the cases with severe participation restriction or more participation restriction risk factors.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Management
Leprosy affected person the Participation Scale rural community affecting factor