目的 完善秩和比法的编秩方法。方法 首先总结出RSR原编秩方法,即指标赋予值0,±1,±1/2,±1/2^2,±1/2^3,....时的编秩公式,并利用数学归纳法给予证明,然后定义了当各指标赋予任意系数时的编秩公式。结果 通过实例证实了新编秩公式的合理性。结论 新编方法进一步突出了RSR法具有的简单,直观,应用范围广的非参数统计特点,又突出了RSR具有的精确,效能高的参数统计特点。
Objective To improve the coding rank methods. Methods In the first place sum up an inductive formula for the original coding rank methods in RSR. In the formula the values of indexes are separately equaled to 0, ±1,±1/2,±1/22,±1/23,……then. give the coding rank formulas of indexes in the light of arbitrarily coefficient.Results The rationality of new coding rank formulas is proved by an example. Conclusion New coding rank formulas highlight the advantages of parametric statistics and nonparametric statistics.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Statistics