
一种高效敏感的神经束路追踪方法 被引量:2

High Sensitivity Method to Nerve Tracts Tracing
摘要 为寻找一种高效敏感的神经通路追踪方法。采用结合了霍乱毒素亚单位B的辣根过氧化物酶(CBHRP)作为示踪剂,用钨酸钠作为四氨基联苯胺(TMB)显色剂的稳定剂,顺行追踪视神经纤维向下丘脑前区的投射;逆行追踪舌下神经纤维在延髓背侧的分布。结果发现视神经纤维投射到视交叉上核背内侧;舌下神经纤维在延髓背侧的舌下神经纤维核分部区显示神经元胞体和轴突结构清晰。提示用霍乱毒素亚单位B与辣根过氧化物酶结合(CBHRP)作为示踪剂,以钨酸钠作为四氨基联苯胺显色剂的稳定剂的方法是一种高效敏感的神经束路追踪方法。 To find a high sensitivity method to nerve tracts tracing with horseradish peroxidaseUsing horseradish peroxides conjugated to cholera toxin (CBHRP) as a tracing agent and sodium tungsten as the stabilizer of CBHRP, antrograde tracing the optic nerve fibers project to the peri portion of the hypothalamus, retrograde tracing the hypoglossus nerve fibers distribute on the dorsomedial portion of the medulla oblongateResults show the optic nerve fibers projected to the Suprachiasmatic nucleus, to the lateral hypothalamus as well as the peripart of the supraoptic nucleus; hypoglossus nerve nucleus were seen in the dorsomedial portion of the medulla oblongateThe results suggests the method of Using horseradish peroxides conjugated to cholera toxin (CBHRP) as a tracing agent and sodium tungsten as the stabilizer of CBHRP is a high sensitivity method to nerve tracts tracing with horseradish peroxides
出处 《解放军医学高等专科学校学报》 1999年第2期81-83,共3页 Clinical Journal of Medical Officer
关键词 辣根过氧化物酶 钨酸钠 神经束路 horseradish peroxides sodium tungsten nerve tract
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