Objective: To investigate the relationship between the level of serum bilirubln and unstable angina pectoris. Methods: A total of 98 patients who underwent coronary radiography were divided into coronary heart disease (CHD) group (65 eases) and normal control group (33 cases) . The CHD group was divided into stable angina pectoris (SAP) group (30 cases) and unstable angina pectoris (UAP) group (35 cases) . The level of serum bilirubin was measured by 2, 4--Dichloroaniline diazonium (DCA) colorimetry. Results: The serum total bilirubin level of patients with UAP was (15.17± 4.10)μmol/L and indirect bilirubin was (11.31± 3.12)μmol/L they were significantly lower than those of SAP group E (18.69 ±5.48)μmol/L. (14.27±4.06) μmol/L and normal control group [ (17.86±3.53)μmol/L, (14.08±2.58)μmol/L, P〈0. 011 . There was no significant difference between SAP group and normal control group (P〈0.05). Conclusion: The level of serum bilirubin is related with unstable angina pectoris, and it will perhaps become a biochemical marker to assess whether patients with UAP.
Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Medicine