2009年8月4日~7日,利用MicroLite地温表(16K LITE5016)获取了塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中站(东面)人工绿化带沙丘剖面上的底部、中部以及坡顶的地温(0,10,20cm地温)。选取整点数据,分析地温在72h内的变化。结果表明:①绿化带沙丘底部、中部、坡顶0cm地温最大值出现在有沙尘天气时,分别为60.53,59.33,50.35℃,沙尘和阵雨天气对0cm地温的影响很大,有阵雨时地温偏低,沙尘天气时底部和中部只出现1个极大值、坡顶有2个极大值;②10cm地温变化具有规律性,上升时段的平均变化速率比下降时段大,10cm的地面升温速率快、降温速率慢;③20cm地温变化较缓,受天气变化的影响很小,沙丘底部、中部、坡顶20cm地温在72h中最大差值分别为3.95,3.67,2.76℃。
In the east of Tazhong Meteorological Station, the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert, the soil temperature profile of the artificial greenbelt dune was measured using ground-thermometer mierolite during August 4 to 7, 2009, with the measurement point in the bottom, the middle and the top of dune (under ground 0, 10, 20 cm). The variation of solid temperature during the 72 h was analyzed to show that: (1) The maximum temperatures in the bottom, middle and top of the dune are 60.53,59.33 and 50.35 ℃ respectively which all appear in the dust time. It has a large impact to soil temperature during dust or showery weather. There will be a lower temperature in the showery weather. There is only one maximum temperature in the bottom and middle of the hill, but two maximum temperatures in the top of the hill. (2) The temperature changes with regularity at the depth of 10 cm. The change rate in the rising is larger than in the descending, shallow 10 cm of the dune has a fast rate of rising temperature, but with a low rate of descending temperature. (3) The 20 em solid temperature has a low change rate, and with a small impact of the weather. The maximum difference value of temperature during 72 h at the bottom, middle and top of the dune are 3.95 , 3.67 and 2.76, respectively.
Environmental Science and Technology
Soil temperature
Greenbelt sand dune