
基于相容矩阵的改进属性约简算法 被引量:4

Improved Attribute Reduction Algorithm Based on Tolerance Matrix
摘要 原属性约简算法在计算相容关系时,存在大量重复计算,从而导致时间复杂度为O(|C|3|U|2)。针对该问题,基于不完备决策表,提出时间复杂度为O(|U|2)的高效相容矩阵计算算法,在此基础上,设计改进的基于相容矩阵的属性约简算法。通过实例证明,当空间复杂度相同时,改进算法的时间复杂度从原有O(|C|3|U|2)降为O(|C|2|U|2)。 When original attribute reduction algorithm calculates tolerance relation,there is much repeatedly calculating consumption.And this leads to O(|C|3|U|2) time complexity.Aiming at this problem,based on incomplete decision table,this paper presents a high efficient tolerance matrix computational algorithm whose time complexity is O(|U|2).On that basis,it designs an improved attribute reduction algorithm based on tolerance matrix.Test proves that the time complexity of improved algorithm is reduced from O(|C|3|U|2) to O(|C|2|U|2) with the same space complexity.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第20期25-27,31,共4页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60573059) 北京市重点学科建设基金资助项目(XK100080537) 广西教育厅基金资助项目(200807MS015)
关键词 粗糙集 属性约简 相容关系矩阵 不完备决策表 Rough Set(RS) attribute reduction tolerance relation matrix incomplete decision table
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