
桂中盆地岩溶地貌区两栖爬行动物调查 被引量:4

Survey of amphibian and reptiles in Central Guangxi karst area
摘要 岩溶地区的两栖爬行动物调查相对较少,2000年7月至2009年7月,采用样线调查的方法对桂中盆地岩溶地貌区的两栖爬行动物进行了调查。共在桂中盆地岩溶地貌区记录了两栖爬行动物67种,其中两栖动物3目6科13种,爬行动物3目11科54种。其区系表现出较强的华南区和华中区过渡地带特点,种群数量较多的有黑眶蟾蜍、泽陆蛙、斑腿泛树蛙、变色树蜥、中国石龙子、草腹链蛇、红脖颈槽蛇、渔游蛇和舟山眼镜蛇等。岩溶地貌对两栖爬行动物分布具有较强的影响,除细痣疣螈外,大部分的两栖动物都不适应岩溶地貌,但爬行动物中的壁虎科和百花锦蛇则主要分布于岩溶地区。 The amphibian and reptiles in karst area was rarely surveyed in China.The authors conducted an investigation on amphibian and reptiles in Central Guangxi karst area from July 2000 to July 2009.Totally,67 species,including 13 species of amphibian(3 orders 6 families) and 54 species of reptilies(3 orders 11 families),were collected in the survey.The fauna shows the transitional zonality between South and Central China.The common species in this area is Bufo melanostictus,Euphlyctis limnocharis,Polypedates megacephalus,Polypedates megacephalus,Eumeces chinensis,Amphiesma stolata,Rhabdophis subminiatus,Xenochrophis piscator and Naja naja.The distribution of amphibians and reptilies are affected by karst conditions.Most amphibian can not adapt the karst environment excluding Echinotriton asperrimus,while the Gekkonidae and Elaphe moellendorffi can live in the rocky karst.
出处 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 2010年第3期313-318,共6页 Carsologica Sinica
基金 河池学院桂西北特色资源研究与开发广西高校重点实验室资助项目(桂教科研[2010]6号)
关键词 两栖动物 爬行动物 岩溶地貌 广西 amphibian reptilies karst landform Guangxi
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