
并行机调度问题粒子群优化研究 被引量:5

Research of particle swarm optimization algorithm for parallel machine scheduling problem
摘要 采用粒子群算法优化并行机调度问题,提出了基于机器和粒子位置取整的粒子编码方法和基于工件和粒子位置次序的粒子编码方法,并给出了两种不同粒子编码方法所对应的粒子群算法的步骤。通过对两个并行机算例的计算说明,基于两种不同编码方法的粒子群算法都能有效地对并行机调度问题进行优化,其中,基于工件和粒子位置次序的粒子编码所对应粒子群算法的优化性能要好些。 Particle swarm optimization algorithm is employed to optimize the parallel machine scheduling problem,and two kinds of the encoding method are introduced,including the encoding method based on machine and particle position rounding and the encoding method based on job and particle position sequence.Moreover,the structures of particle swarm optimization algorithm based on two kinds of the encoding method are presented.From the computational results of two parallel machine scheduling problems,particle swam optimization algorithm based on two kinds of the encoding method can effectively optimize the parallel machine scheduling problems,and the encoding method based on job and particle position sequence has better performance.
作者 刘志雄
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2010年第10期68-70,共3页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 国家自然科学基金(70801047) 中国博士后科研基金资助项目(20090450769)
关键词 粒子群算法 并行机调度 粒子位置 编码 Particle swarm optimization algorithm Parallel machine scheduling Particle position Encoding
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