
指(趾)甲在滥用药物分析中的研究现状及应用展望 被引量:3

The Present Study Situation and Application Prospect of Nail Analysis for Abused Drugs
摘要 在法医毒物分析中,各类生物检材都具有其特点和应用范围。本文对指(趾)甲的生物学特征、样品的采集和前处理、指甲中部分毒(药)物的分析方法作了较为详细的综述,介绍了指(趾)甲中滥用药物含量的影响因素,并针对研究中的问题,结合已有研究对其应用前景作出展望,认为指(趾)甲作为一种在体内滥用药物分析中尚未被普遍应用的非常规生物检材,在法医毒物学方面拥有潜在的可用性和优势。 In forensic toxicology analysis,various types of biological samples have their own special characteristics and scope of applications.In this article,the physiological structure of nails,methods for collecting and pre-processing samples,and for analyzing some poisons and drugs in the nails are reviewed with details.This paper introduces the influence factors of drug abuse of the nails.The prospects of its further applications are concluded based on the research results.Nails,as an unconventional bio-sample without general application,show great potential and advantages in forensic toxicology.
出处 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2010年第5期367-373,共7页 Journal of Forensic Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(20975070) 国家科研院所公益项目(GY0903)
关键词 法医毒理学 物质相关性障碍 综述[文献类型] 指(趾)甲 forensic toxicology substance-related disorders review[publication type] nails
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