

Experimental Study on Improving Economical Efficiency of Low-temperature Multi-effect Distillation Seawater Desalination
摘要 为探讨低温多效淡化装置的最佳运行条件,提高运行经济性,在神华河北国华沧东发电有限责任公司引进的法国SIDEM公司10 000 t/d海水淡化装置上进行了试验研究,结果表明淡化装置对TVC入口动力蒸汽压力具有良好的适应性,而保持换热设备清洁以保证凝汽器出口物料水温度以及采用较高的动力蒸汽流量是提高运行经济性的重要保证。 Experiments are carried out on the imported 10 000 t/d low-temperature multi-effect distillation (LT- MED) seawater desalination process of Shenhua Hebei Guohua Cangdong Power Generation Co. Ltd. made by SIDEM company of France to find the optimal operation conditions for improving economical efficiency. It showed that the LT-MED is flexible to TVC inlet motive steam pressure, and it's necessary for improving economical efficiency to keep heat exchangers clean so as to achieve high feed temperature, as well as relatively high motive steam flow.
出处 《华北电力技术》 CAS 2010年第10期13-16,共4页 North China Electric Power
关键词 低温 多效蒸馏 海水淡化 经济性 造水比 low temperature multi effect distillation seawater desalination economical efficiency gained output ratio (GOR)
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