
Jinan City Park Gray Space Design Study

Jinan City Park Gray Space Design Study
摘要 Gray space is unique as a spatial form; it is neither fully private space nor public space entirely. It can satisfy people's privacy requirements of space,but also able to make the observation to the external space,more public nature of activities to engender a sense of comfort. Based on the above theory,in this paper,City Park is an example combination of environmental psychology,environmental behavior,architectural design,and landscape design theory. So Pairs of gray space,classification,manifestations and function are analyzed and summarized,as well as several city parks in Jinan gray space a detailed field survey. Several city parks are in relation with these spatial characteristics of gray ash on the basis of summing up the use of space problems in the process,and solutions to these problems which are also discussed. Gray space is unique as a spatial form; it is neither fully private space nor public space entirely. It can satisfy people's privacy requirements of space,but also able to make the observation to the external space,more public nature of activities to engender a sense of comfort. Based on the above theory,in this paper,City Park is an example combination of environmental psychology,environmental behavior,architectural design,and landscape design theory. So Pairs of gray space,classification,manifestations and function are analyzed and summarized,as well as several city parks in Jinan gray space a detailed field survey. Several city parks are in relation with these spatial characteristics of gray ash on the basis of summing up the use of space problems in the process,and solutions to these problems which are also discussed.
作者 李姗姗
出处 《科技信息》 2010年第07X期219-219,214,共2页 Science & Technology Information
关键词 城市公园 绿化规划 环境艺术 设计 Gray Space Park Space Building
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