利用ASP.NET和SQL Server为开发平台,根据毕业设计环节的业务流程,结合茂名职业技术学院对这一环节的管理标准和要求设计开发的毕业设计管理系统,可以通过浏览器实现用户的操作,适用于不同的操作平台,提高教学管理效率和资源共享程度,为毕业设计的教务管理和参与毕业设计的师生提供了一个良好信息平台。实践证明该系统对毕业设计质量的提高、对工作效率的提高也有极大的促进作用。
The system discussed in this paper is based on ASP.NET and SQL server and customized to the graduation project management of Maoming Vocational & Technical College. The users can access to the system through browser. In addition, the system is adaptable to different operation platforms. Consequently, the teaching management is more effective and the resources are shared by more people. The functional modules provide a very good information platform for the teaching management during graduation project process and the teachers as well as students engaged in the project. The practice shows that the system plays an important role in improving the quality of the graduation project and working efficiency.
Science & Technology Information