
基于综合物探技术的大型堆积体滑坡勘察 被引量:8

Application of comprehensive geophysical exploration technology to large accumulation landslide
摘要 位于川藏公路上的102滑坡为一大型堆积体滑坡,山高坡陡,常规的勘探技术很难实施。根据滑坡的地形、地质特征,同时选用直流对称四极电测深法、联合剖面法、浅层地震折射波等物探方法对滑坡的工程地质条件进行了探测。多种物探结果进行相互验证,得到了较准确的地质解释。说明地球物理综合勘探技术对堆积体滑坡的工程地质调查具有良好的效果。 The 102# landslide along Sichuan-Tibet Highway in Southeastern Tibet is a large accumulation landslide.Because of alpine-gorge terrain,it is difficult to investigate the landslide by conventional exploration methods such as drilling,trenching et al.To research the landslide,engineering geological condition should be investigated.Therefore,geophysic exploration technology has been applied.Because each geophysic method is applied some condition or to get some results,symmetry four-electrode resistor DC resistivity sounding method,composite profiling method and shallow seismic refraction method have been applied to investigate the engineering geological condition at the same time.However,the methods are not isolated,and they test and verify each other.Therefore,the comprehensive geophysics exploration technology is useful for investigating accumulation landslide in alpine-gorge area.
出处 《工程勘察》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期75-79,共5页 Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
基金 国家自然科学基金(40972199) 华北水利水电学院高层次人才科研启动项目(200919)
关键词 综合物探技术 堆积体滑坡 勘察 comprehensive geophysical exploration accumulation landslide investigation
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