
0.5%罗哌卡因等比重腰麻在前列腺等离子电切术的应用 被引量:3

Isobaris 0.5% ropivacaine as a local anesthetic for spinal anesthesia in transurethral plasma kinetic resection of prostate.
摘要 目的观察0.5%罗哌卡因等比重腰麻用于前列腺等离子电切术的麻醉效果。方法选择100例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,择期行前列腺等离子电切术的老年患者,随机分为两组,罗哌卡因组(R组)布比卡因组(B组)。R组、B组等比重腰麻0.5%罗哌卡因与布比卡因的剂量均为12.5mg,观察两组感觉运动神经阻滞情况,麻醉效果以及不良反应。结果 R组感觉运动阻滞起效时间明显比B组时间长(P<0.05),最高痛觉阻滞平面明显比B组低(P<0.05),痛觉阻滞,运动阻滞持续时间明显比B组短(P<0.05),运动组滞R组明显比B组弱(P<0.05),R组罗哌卡因麻醉效果明显比B组差(P<0.05),R组有10例患者术中需要静脉补充芬太尼0.1mg。两组不良反应发生率都很低,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),两组中均无麻醉失败患者。结论等比重腰麻0.5%罗哌卡因用于前列腺等离子电切术麻醉效果不及布比卡因确切,但仍然是临床可供选择之一。 Objective To observe the effect of isobaric 0.5% ropivacaine as local anesthetic for spinal anesthesia in transurethral plasma kinetic resection of prostate.Methods 100 ASA Ⅰ or Ⅱ senil patients undergoing elective transurethral plasma kinetic resection of prostate were randomly divided into 2 groups(n=50 each):group ropivacaine(group R),group bupivacaine(group B).The dose of 0.5% ropivacaine or bupivacaine of each group were both 12.5mg.Sensory and motor blockade,effect,adverse reaction of local anesthetic were recorded.Results Onset time of sensory and motor blockade in group R was longer than in group B(P0.05),Cephalad spread of sensory blocks was lower in group R(median level,pinprick T9) than in group B(pinprick T7)(P0.05).Total duration of sensory and motor blockade in group R was shorter than in group B.The ropivacaine provided less potent motor effects and anesthesia than bupivacaine for transurethral plasma kinetic resection of prostate.Ten patients in group R received iv fentanyl 0.1mg.The incidence rate of adverse reaction was similar and little in two groups(P0.05).The ropivacaine and bupivacaine both provided suceesesful anesthesia in two groups.Conclusion Isobaric 0.5% ropivacaine as a local anesthetic for spinal anesthesia provided less potent anesthesia than bupivacaine in transurethral plasma kinetic resection of prostate,but it still remained to be choosed in clinical anesthesia.
出处 《四川医学》 CAS 2010年第10期1473-1475,共3页 Sichuan Medical Journal
关键词 罗哌卡因 腰麻 前列腺等离子电切术 等比重 ropivacaine spinal anesthesia transurethral plasma kinetic resection of prostate isobaric
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