
临近空间高超声速飞行器鲁棒自适应控制方法 被引量:4

Robust Adaptive Control Approach for Hypersonic Vehicles in Near Space
摘要 提出了一种新的将自适应滑模变结构控制与动态逆控制组合的鲁棒自适应的控制方法,用于临近空间高超声速飞行器的再入阶段飞行控制系统设计。用内外环动态逆控制将非线性飞行器对象近似解耦成不确定的3通道一阶线性系统,将所有不确定性转化为匹配的逆误差;由自适应滑模变结构控制给出动态逆的输入信号,消除逆误差的影响,保证对制导指令的鲁棒跟踪。某高超声速飞行器临近空间再入的六自由度仿真结果表明:控制器有较好的鲁棒性和跟踪性能。 A novel robust adaptive control approach combining adaptive sliding mode control and dynamic inversion was proposed and applied to the design of flight control system for hypersonic vehicles in near space.Dynamic inversion controller could approximately decouple the affine nonlinear plant into three separate uncertain one-order linear systems,the adaptive sliding mode controller outputs the input signal needed by dynamic inversion control which guarantees robust tracking of the guidance commands.6-DOF simulation performed on the platform of MATLAB illustrated the excellent robustness and tracking performance of the proposed controller.
出处 《上海航天》 2010年第5期1-6,共6页 Aerospace Shanghai
基金 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划资助项目(90916003)
关键词 高超声速 飞行控制 滑模变结构控制 动态逆方法 鲁棒性 Hypersonic aerodynamics Flight control Sliding mode control Dynamic inversion Robustness
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