
Centrifuge modeling of dynamic behavior of pile-reinforced slopes during earthquakes 被引量:4

Centrifuge modeling of dynamic behavior of pile-reinforced slopes during earthquakes
摘要 A series of centrifuge model tests of sandy slopes were conducted to study the dynamic behavior of pile-reinforced slopes subjected to various motions.Time histories of accelerations,bending moments and pile earth pressures were obtained during excitation of the adjusted El Centro earthquake and a cyclic motion.Under a realistic earthquake,the overall response of the pile-reinforced slope is lower than that of the non-reinforced slope.The histories of bending moments and dynamic earth pressures reach their maximums soon after shaking started and then remain roughly stable until the end of shaking.Maximum moments occur at the height of 3.5 m,which is the deeper section of the pile,indicating the interface between the active loading and passive resistance regions.The dynamic earth pressures above the slope base steadily increase with the increase of height of pile.For the model under cyclic input motion,response amplitudes at different locations in the slope are almost the same,indicating no significant response amplification.Both the bending moment and earth pressure increase gradually over a long period. A series of centrifuge model tests of sandy slopes were conducted to study the dynamic behavior of pile-reinforced slopes subjected to various motions. Time histories of accelerations, bending moments and pile earth pressures were obtained during excitation of the adjusted El Centro earthquake and a cyclic motion. Under a realistic earthquake, the overall response of the pile-reinforced slope is lower than that of the non-reinforced slope. The histories of bending moments and dynamic earth pressures reach their maximums soon after shaking started and then remain roughly stable until the end of shaking. Maximum moments occur at the height of 3.5 m, which is the deeper section of the pile, indicating the interface between the active loading and passive resistance regions. The dynamic earth pressures above the slope base steadily increase with the increase of height of pile. For the model under cyclic input motion, response amplitudes at different locations in the slope are almost the same, indicating no significant response amplification. Both the bending moment and earth pressure increase gradually over a long period.
出处 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第5期1070-1078,共9页 中南大学学报(英文版)
基金 Project(50639060) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Project(610103002) supported by the State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering,Tsinghua University,China
关键词 EARTHQUAKE SLOPE stabilizing pile dynamic behavior centrifuge modeling earth pressure ACCELERATION bending moment 离心模型试验 加固边坡 动态行为 模型桩 地震 土压力 反应比 时间历程
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