
弱B表型的分子生物学基础 被引量:2

The Molecular Biological Basis of Weak B Phenotype
摘要 目的研究ABO血型中弱B表型的分子生物学背景。方法对3份正反定型不符,血型血清学鉴定为弱B表型的样本,采用序列特异性引物-聚合酶链反应方法进行基因定型。结果 3份血清学为Bw样本中1例基因型结果为O1vB1,2例为O1B1。结论血型基因学检查是对血型血清学检查的补充,有助于疑难血型的正确定型,减少临床血型鉴定错误及相关输血反应的发生。 Objective To study the molecular biological background of weak B(Bw)phenotype at the ABO locus. Methods Three samples from individuals inconsistent with the positive and negative stereotypes,diagnosed as Bw subgroup by serological tests,were genotyped by sequence specific primer-polymerase chain reaction. Results The genotype of the one of three samples diagnosed as Bw subgroup by serological tests was O^1v B^1 ,and that of the rest two was 01 B1. Conclusion Blood genetics test is beneficial to diagnose the difficult blood type, which is complementary of the serological tests,making the diagnosis correct,lessening mistake and the happening of the transfusion reaction
作者 王娟 魏晴
出处 《华中科技大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期712-715,共4页 Acta Medicinae Universitatis Scientiae et Technologiae Huazhong
关键词 B亚型 B等位基因 序列特异性引物-聚合酶链反应检测 B subgroup B alleles sequence specific primer-polymerase chain reaction assay
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