
一种多旋翼多功能空中机器人及其腿式壁面行走运动规划 被引量:16

A Multi-propeller and Multi-function Aero-robot and Its Motion Planning of Leg-wall-climbing
摘要 提出了一种既可实现飞行功能又可实现壁面运动的多旋翼多功能空中机器人。设计了机器人的结构,分析了其工作原理,研究了机器人腿式壁面行走模式下腿/足与壁面接触时的机体动力学。结合多旋翼推进的机理对机器人在壁面运动模式下的步态进行了规划,基于非线性轨迹线性化控制(TLC)法设计了空中机器人在步态过程中的姿态稳定控制器。在MATLAB环境下对机器人的腿式壁面运动进行了仿真分析研究,仿真结果表明了所设计的步态及其稳定控制方法的可行性。 A multi-propeller and multi-function aero-robot which can realize both functions of flight and wall-climbing is presented in this article.The construction of this novel robot is designed.The working principle of the robot’s multi-function including wall-climbing and flight is analyzed,especially the principle of attitude control with multi-propeller.The dynamics and kinematics model of the robot when it is in wall-climbing mode is researched.Based on the model,the motion planning of the robot in wall-climbing mode is studied by considering the principle of attitude control with multi-propeller.The stabilization controller of the robot when it is in wall-climbing mode is designed by using trajectory linearization control (TLC) method.The simulation research of the robot in leg-wall-climbing mode is finished in the environment of MATLAB software.Through simulation,the feasibility of the designed motion planning and the stabilization control algorithm of the robot are verified.
出处 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期2075-2086,共12页 Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(50975008)
关键词 旋翼 飞行 爬壁 动力学 运动规划 控制 propellers flight wall-climbing dynamics motion planning control
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