Excitation functions for 169Yb production on low-medium energy accelerators, i.e. proton on 169Tm and natYb, deuteron on 169Tm, and 4He ion on natEr, were calculated by the ALICE/ASH and TALYS-1.0 codes. The target thickness was predicted by SRIM code. Theoretical integral yield for each reaction was compared with experimental data. The radionuclide purity of 169Yb from the 169Tm(p, n)169Yb reaction was determined, and maximum cross section predicted by the ALICE/ASH and TALYS-1.0 codes was about 182 and 154 mb at 11 and at 9 MeV, respectively.
Excitation functions for ^169yb production on low-medium energy accelerators, i.e. proton on 169Tin and natyb, deuteron on ^169Tm, and 4He ion on hatEr, were calculated by the ALICE/ASH and TALYS-1.0 codes. The target thickness was predicted by SRIM code. Theoretical integral yield for each reaction was compared with experimental data. The radionuclide purity of ^169yb from the ^169Tm(p, n)^169yb reaction was determined, and maximum cross section predicted by the ALICE/ASH and TALYS-1.0 codes was about 182 and 154 mb at 11 and at 9 MeV, respectively.