T淋巴细胞表面的TRBC受体不同介导E花结形成的E受体(CD2)和E2分子。CD2的配体,人红细胞表面的CD58(LFA-3)和绵羊红细胞表面的T11 TS,S42,S14及S110-220,与TRBC受体的配体无关,TRBC玫瑰花结的形成是通过不同于E花结和人自身玫瑰花结的受体-配体相互作用来实现的,进一步表明,人和猴T淋巴细胞表面和TRBC表面,可能都有独特的蛋白质分子介导TRBC玫瑰花结的形成。
CD2 (Ereceptor, LFA-3 receptor) and E2 molecules (Bernard, 1988) on human T lymphocytes, CD58 (LFA-3, lymphocyte function associated antigen 3) on human erythrocytes and S14, S42,S110-220molecules (Bernard, 1987) of sheep erythrocytes are involved in rosette formation of human T lymphocytes with human or sheep erythrocytes.Rosette formation of human and macaque pan-T lymphocytes with tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) red blood cells (TRBC) (TRBC rosette) has shown different physicochemical properties from that of rosette formation with sheep red blood ceils (E rosette) (Ben, 1985). CD2, CD3/TCR complex, CD5, CD6, and CD7 are not involved in TRBC rosette formation (Zheng, 1990). In order to know whether E2, LFA-3,S 14, S42 and S110-220 molecules are involved in TRBC rosette formation or human and macaque T lymphocytes, rosette inhibition and antigenic modulation or co-modulation were performed with relevant monoclonal antibodies (McAbs), and hemolytic assay and slide agglutination were also conducted.TRBC rosette formation of human and rhesus monkey PBL was not blocked by E2 McAb (inhibition rate 2.8%and 2.1%, respectively ). In contrast, human E rosette for- marion was obviously blocked at inhibition rate of 49.8% and macaque E rosette formation was slightly inhibited (13.3%). The modulation or co-modulation of E2 molecule with E2 McAb did not affect human TRBC rosette formation. Similar results were shown in rosette formation inhibition of Jurkat cells.McAbs TS2/9, N4, N23 and N217 to LFA-3, S14, S110-220 and S42, respectivly, did not inhibit TRBC rosette formation, but TS 2/9 inhibited human autologous rosette formation and N4, N23, N217 blocked E rosette formation. McAbs N 4 and N 23 were able to lyse sheep erythrocytes, but not TRBC, in the presence of guinea pig complement. Neither sheep erythrocytes nor TRBC were lysed by McAbs N217 and TS 2/9. The results of slide agglutination were parallel to hemolytic assay.These results suggest that TRBC rosette formation is not associated with E2 molecule. Rhesus monkey T lymphocytes may express very few or no E2 molecule. CD2 ligands, such as CD58 (LFA-3), S140 S42 and S110-220, were not found on TRBC surface. Both TRBC receptor and its ligand (s) are different from CD2, E2 and ligands for CD2.Their McAb preparation and biochemical studies are under way.
Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica
T lymphocyte. TRBC receptor. Ligands for CD2. Tree shrew red blood cells.