重庆天然气净化总厂44年的发展历程记载着新中国天然气净化工业的发展史。从生产设施简陋的东溪脱硫装置,到工艺先进、现代化的万州分厂的建成;从天然气日处理能力15×10~4 m^3上升到2900×10~4 m^3,一代代净化人求实创新、无私奉献的奋斗,成就了重庆天然气净化总厂今天的辉煌。目前,重庆天然气净化总厂已发展成为国内规模最大、综合配套齐全、技术先进的天然气净化厂。拥有一套严谨科学的天然气净化生产管理体系,安全生产取得了突出成绩;净化技术水平基本与国际同步,处于国内领先地位;科技成果硕果累累,是天然气净化行业国家标准制定的参与者;培养了一批批天然气净化专业技术技能人才,为支持国内外天然气净化事业的发展做出了积极贡献。面对新形势,重庆天然气净化总厂明确了新的发展思路:围绕"安全、稳定、发展"一条主线,发挥"专业化管理、净化技术、净化人才"三个优势,努力实现"装置优化运行、管理科学规范、净化技术领先、队伍素质优良"四大目标,提出了坚持科学管理,加强科技创新,发挥净化技术人才优势,推进重庆天然气净化总厂不断向前发展的战略方针。
Forty-fourth years' development course of Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General is the epitome of developing history of natural gas purification industry in China.From simple and crude equipment in Dongxi to advanced and modern process in Wanzhou;from the yield of 15×10~4 m^3/d to 2900×10~4 m^3/d,the unselfish dedication of the staff for purification career helped to bring about today's brilliant achievements.Nowdays.it has become the domestic largest-scaled natural gas purifieation plant with complete integrity and advanced technology;it has strict and scientific production management system for safe assurance; maintained the international first-class level of technology and domestic leading status,and to be the member of the group for drawing up the national standard of natural gas purification industry;it trained many professional technological personnel,and contribute themselves to development of purification career at home and abroad.It has established the new developing thought while facing a new situation,centering on the one thinking of'safety,stability,development'. three advantages of'professional management,purification technology,professional personnel',and try their best constantly to achieve the four targets of'optimized operation, conformable and scientific management,advanced purification technology,qualified staff'.With the superiority of qualified professional personnel,it could enter into a new stage.
Chemical engineering of oil & gas
natural gas purification
purification process
maintenance of unit
professional personnel