2007年4月至2008年4月在鲇鱼山水库采集翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)样本885尾,对其种群进行了研究,建立了Beverton-Holt种群管理模型。在目前开捕年龄tc=2龄、自然死亡系数M=0.4654、捕捞死亡系数F=0.5485、生长系数k=0.2331的情况下,鲇鱼山水库翘嘴鲌渔获物的平均体长为29.91cm,平均体重为278.76g,平均年龄为2.05龄;单位补充渔获量(YW/R)为467.28g/尾。建议将鲇鱼山水库翘嘴鲌的捕捞年龄提高到3龄,有效地保护性成熟个体,提高种群补充数量,以目前捕捞强度下渔获量达到最大值,获得最大的经济效益。
Collected 885 individuals of Culter alburnus from Nianyushan reservoir during April, 2007 to April, 2008. We studied the population management of Cuher alburnus Basilewsky and built Beverton - Holt model. The study provided the scientific bases to make rational capture age and standard. The B - H model was built for population management. When the tc was 2, M is 0. 4654, F was 0. 5485 and k was 0. 2331, the average body length Ly was 29.91cm, the average body weight W was 278.76g and the average age Ty was 2.05a. The yield per unit recruitment was 467.28 g/ind. We suggest the age of Culter alburnus Basilewsky in Nianyushan reservoir must be increased to 3, so that the mature population can be protected and the population size can be recriut better. In this capture intensity the capture weight arrive at the max, so we can get the most economy benefit.
Journal of Hydroecology
Culter alburnus
Population management
Nianyushan reservoir