
带负授权RBAC模型的OWL表示及冲突检测 被引量:4

Representaion of RBAC model with negative authorization in OWL and conflict detection
摘要 提出带负授权和权限层次的扩展RBAC模型并分析模型中由负授权引起的冲突。用OWL-DL表示该扩展模型并说明如何使用OWL-DL推理引擎检测扩展模型中潜在的冲突。 This paper presents an extended model of RBAC with negative authorization and permission hierarchy and analyzes the conflicts due to negative authorization.It uses OWL-DL to represent the extended model and shows how to use an OWL-DL reasoner to detect the potential conflicts in the extended model.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第30期82-85,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金No.2009211B05 新疆大学自然科学基金No.BS090103~~
关键词 基于角色的访问控制 Web本体语言(OWL) 冲突检测 Role Based Access Contro(lRBAC); Web Ontology Language(OWL); conflict detection;
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